Friday, July 1, 2011

A Day full of PRs

Was feeling pretty good today and wanted to push it. Sometimes during the warm up you know when its going to be a kick ass day. A little pep in the prep.

Foam Roll
Joint Mob
Hip Rehab
Ankle Rehab
Movement Prep

A1. FMS Ankle

A2. 12 inch hurdles Medial Hops 8/8 Lateral hops 8/8 - These felt really solid. Volume is still low but the quality is where I want it. Keeping a good posture really makes a difference

B1. T spine mobility Extension, Upper quarter turns, Lower Quarter Turns

B2. Get Mills 28kg 1/3 32kg 1/2 40kg 1/2 Felt easier than two weeks ago plus added two windmills at the top..for confidence

C1. FMS Leg Lower

C2. SL RDL Band 5/5 32kg with 30lb Vest 5/8 , 5/5 , 5/5 (PR)

C3. Anti Rotational Press Cook band 3 Half Kneeling 8/8 Standing Athletic Stance 8/8 , 8/8

C4. OHP Double 28kg 3/3 Double 32kg 5 , 4(1) last one was push press , 5 - finished with solid 5 (PR)

D1. Hip Flxr Stretch

D2. Leg Curls Slideboard 30lbs 8 , 8 45LBs 8 - Training with a fast concentric (PR)

D3. DB Flat Bench Press 85 Single Arm 5/5 , 90lb Alternating 5/5 , 95 Double 5/5 (PR)

D4. Suitcase Carry 28kg 25yds Each Side for 2 sets, Third set pushed it 35yds each side


Airdyne 5 Mile Test 14:02 (PR) Heart Rate at the end was 199 I can't remember last time I've seen it that high.

I was going to do some c2 row sprints but ill save them for tomorrow.

I felt real strong today and managed to get a lot of PRs. The SL RDLs were brutal and I have videos of them to put up.

Next week will just be a deload week. I haven't had one in months and I think its time for one before I get over parasympathetic and get injured. I can't sustain new PRs every week like I have been. If the body could, no one would ever peak and squat over 1000lbs. Plus Injuries fucking suck and sometimes you have to pull back in order to push forward later on, what a cliche thing to say. It will just be the warm up ,practicing the movements with very light load if any at all and cardio.

Ill be putting up a couple articles next week so stay tuned.

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