Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Random Day, Patterning

3D Breath
Foam Roll
Stretch - Calf, Hip Flxrs, Front Split, Neck, Bretzel
Prep: Spiderman, Goblet Prys, Armbars, Hip Flxr activation with Cook band,

A1. Depth Jump off 12 inch box to Squat Jump 5 , 5

B1. Hang Squat Cleans 95 4 115 4 , 4 135 3 3

C1. Front Squats 185 5x5

C2. Mini Band Squats 2 blues to work on correcting valgus

Random: Barbel AB Roll out 95 pounds 8 reps , pretty easy

D1. Glute Ham Raise 4 , Band Assisted 4 5 - Just wanted to try them out today. The machine they have is awkward and is either to short or to long for my tibia length. The foot plate is a little far from the foot pads as well.

E1. Spikey Ball tissue work on hip flxrs

E2. Hip Flxr Stretch 15 second holds

E3. Hip thrust off bench Single Leg Holds. 15/15 each leg x 2 per set, 2 sets total

15:15 v02 Max Snatch with 24kg 5 reps per work period 20 minutes HR 183

I wanted to do some sled work but need to leave something for tomorrow.

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