Thursday, July 28, 2011

Easy day

Hamstrings are torched from yesterday. Just needed to move a bit, reinforce some patterns and get some conditioning in. I know if I take today off my hamstrings aren't going to feel better for tomorrow. Blood flow for the win.

3D Breath
Foam Roll
Stretch - Lots of hamstring stretches

A1. Armbars with side laying press 16kg 2/2 - help stretch out the pecs from yesterday

A2. Goblet squat prys

B1. FMS Anke 8/8 8/8

B2. RFESS Jumps 6/6 6/6 - I really like these. Definitely looking good, will add weight soon

C1. Hang Power Cleans 95 4 115 4 135 4 155 4 4 - felt easy

D1. Front Squat 185 5 195 5 5 5

D2. Towel chin ups Bw x 5 25lb plate on dip belt 7 7 6 45 plate no towels 6 max ISO hold at the top

D3. Barbell Ab roll outs 65 9 85 6 65 6 4

ESD - Circuit training
Burpees 25 seconds
L Sits on KBs 25 seconds
Airdyne Sprint 25 secpmds
rest 75 seconds
Swings 24kg 25 seconds
Planks 25 seconds
MB Slams Stable pill just arms 8k ball 25 seconds
Rest 75 seconds

Whole cycle going continuous for 3 rounds

Felt great to get some circuit power training in. I haven't done it in a while, forgot how much of a killer it can be . I like to sandwich the ISO metrics as an active rest. It doesn't feel like rest because it forces you to breath through a brace while tired.

I've been troubling shooting my squats. Low back has been a little sore from going to far deep i think. I was going well below parallel. To the point my ass was tucking at the bottom putting me into spinal flexion. After some video taping and tweaks I can get about an inch below parallel before my butt goes under. Now I just need to learn what it feels like and just hit that depth . I also need to make sure to do this in the squat cleans because I think that dynamic part is putting stress on low back . That is also why I only did the concentric power cleans today to leave that eccentric portion out of it.

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