Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Mobility day

Croc Breath
Foam Roll

A1. Goblet prys

A2. Talus tracking drill for ankle

B1. Arm Bars with side lying press before and after 16kg 4/4 , 4/4 These felt great. I was able to really let my arm drop in the side lying press. Diaphragmatic breathing really helps with this.

B2. Pec soft tissue work with spikey ball

C1. Correcting a get up problem. with my right arm up I've noticed there hesitation when pushing up to my elbow. I've been meaning to work on correcting this. Seems to stem from a tightness in my Right ILS muscles along the erectors. So I foam rolled it than trx lat stretch than worked on that part of the get up. Did this for about 4 cycles and it seemed to fix the problem. Not as smooth as the other side but Definitely an improvement. When I would go heavy this asymmetric difference would really show itself .

D1. Spikey ball on hip flxrs

D2 Hip flxr stretch

D3. Full hip thrust - feet and shoulders elevated 8 , 8

E1. GHR with band assistance with Iron Cross ( thanks Ben Bruno) - 4 4 4

ESD 30 minute Airdyne 9.96 MI covered AVG HR 158

5 minutes of stretching and diaphragmatic breathing afterwards (cool down). Trying to promote parasympathetic activation.

Just wanted to move and work on correctives today. Was feeling flat from yesterday and didn't want to not do anything and get tight. Overall good active recovery session. Hamstrings/glutes were tight from swings yesterday so I wanted to get some involvement to promote blood flow because tomorrow will be all glute and hams.

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