Saturday, July 23, 2011

Light and Easy Saturday

I did a Self FMS Screen before I warmed up to see where I was at. This is difficult for a couple reason.s First you need to be able to see yourself in multiple angles. This requires either several mirrors or a camera to tape yourself during the movements. Its hard to look at yourself in mirrors without throwing off your movement. It also requires you to be very objective with yourself and honest about where you at as far as movement goes. A good exercise in suppressing the Ego. I did the best I could in both areas and the results were as follows:

Deep Squat: 2
Hurdle Step: R 3 L 3
Inline Lunge: Left 2 R 3 - I couldn't get my right heel all the way down when the left foot was forward. At first I thought it was a tight calf muscle but I've been stretching them diligently for the past month almost every day. I'm beginning to think it is a lack of internal hip rotation. Though I can't isolate parts out of the movement. It is a faulty pattern I need to work on correcting.
Shoulder Mobility: Hand Length 8.5 L : 8.5 R : 8 Had someone measure this for me.
Active Straight Leg Raise L 3 R 3
Trunk Stability Push up 3
Rotary Stability L 3 R 3

Total score 19/21 this is the highest I've ever scored. However i'm still skeptical because it was a self screen. Hard to get the right angles to see with the Rotary Stability test but I was able to complete the movement. I would say RS and SM might be twos, I told the person how to measure the SM but you never know unless the person is FMS trained. So worst cause i'm at a 17 which is still very good. If I can clean up the In Line Lunge pattern I can get a 3 on the deep squat. I can do it when I'm warmed up.

Foam Roll

A1. FMS Ankle

A2. Lateral Bounds 8/8 8/8

B1. Cross over skipps adductor emphasis 8/8 abductior emphasis 8/8

C1. Internal Hip Rotation Stretch

C2. Med Ball throw Lateral 1/2 Kneeling 8kg ball 8/8 Standing 8/8

FMS shoulder tracking drills 8/8 8/8

Worked on some kettle bell jerks with light weight.

KB Circuit from Jon Engram
5 minute snatch test 28kg 93
Get up 1L/1R 1 24kg Chin up
1/1 Get up 2 24kg chin ups
1/1 Get up 3 24kg Chin ups
1/1 Get up 4 24kg Chin ups
1/1 Get up 5 24kg Chin ups

Total time 16:30

Just to mess around with a idea I read from The russian kettlebell challenge by Pavel. Called the "2-1". Basically go up two inches in the press than down one, all the way to full lock out. Fun stuff and helps build strength through the sticking points. Also increases total time under tension. I definitely want to try this more.

Double KB press
24kg 3 sets of 1 2-1 rep each
28kg 1 set of 1 2 - 1 rep.

The circuit went well. I was suppose to snatch with a 24kg. Half way through the snatch test I realized i was snatching a 28kg not a 24kg. It was funny because i'm thinking damn I must be burnt out this is heavy and a lot harder than last week. But I finished strong and got a PR with the 28kg. I know I can get 100 If i'm prepared for it. I also wrapped a towel around the KB when transitioning from get ups to chin ups. I don't want the dip belt chain to ruin the coating on the kettlebell. That ate up a little time. I know I can finish faster but that is pretty good for not stopping. Rest tomorrow, big lift on monday.

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