I took yesterday off, except for foam roll and stretching. Feeling good today. The focus for today was getting good tissue quality and some pattern grooving.
Foam rolled/tissue work (75 minutes. I was really thorough today with this, really working on breaking up adhesion, freeing up fascia and trying to get more proprioceptive sensors online.)
Stretches - Armbars, Hip Flxr, Calf,
Get up position drills 15 minutes
Get ups 16kg 1/1 24kg 1/1 x 3 - I have ignored these since my ankle injury, with no pain no I need to start incorporating these again. If you're a serious athlete and these aren't in you program, than you are fucking up. Seriously one of the best bang for buck exercises out there
A1. Windmills 16kg 5/5 Bottoms up 3x3/3 - These were easy. However it was really windy outside with added more of a stability challenge and initiated rhythmic stabilization .
A2. Body Saw's with Valslides 8/8/8 - first time trying these. Pretty intense. I need to do them more often. Perhaps on linear core day.
KB Rows (split stance) 24kg 8/8 32kg 6/6 x 2
Doubles work
24kg 5 swings 10 yard farmers walk 5 swings 10 yards farmer walk back = 1 round
Recover to 65% HR between rounds for 5 total rounds.
I need to include more double work, Ill add a complex in tomorrow before Physical Therapy.
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