Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Flat day 3

The start of this week has been hectic. My car blew up and the head is gone. It will cost more to fix than what the car is worth, so for the last tow days I've been researching for my next vehicle. Last couple days my diet has been off because of above circumstances and relying on others for transportation. Been in the car for multiple hours a day can reek havoc on posture.

I had some time today to get in my lifts that I wanted to do yesterday. It was apparent going through my warm up and seeing how my body felt that my body was not bringing the A game today. Chalk up another reason for having a steady consistent warm up. It gives you a standard to see how well you move before having to put load on your body. Lifting today was just a struggle. I decided to go real light and just get some reps in. Shoulder was feeling sore today, I think I slept on it wrong or didn't warm up enough before shooting hoops for 30 minutes, yesterday.

Foam Roll
Stretch - One in particular was the Bretzel put with a PnF push/pull strategy for opening up the T spine. I got this from Gray Cook and Brett Jones secrets of the shoulder DVD.

A1. Trap Bar DL Bar x 5 135 x 5 225 2 sets of 6

A2. Chop - Tall Kneeling Cook band level 3 PnF grip 8/8

B1. RDL Bar x 5 135 x5 225 2 sets of 7

B2. Lift - Tall Kneeling Cook band level 3 Pnf Grip 8/8

With a sore shoulder and flat performance I decided to call it. Ill get some conditioning in tomorrow. Maybe kb snatches if my shoulder loosens up.

Tomorrow Ill be heading to Athletes' Performance for some elite level ankle rehab! Ill take pic and post more about that tomorrow.

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