Sunday, May 15, 2011

Kettlebells will deliver on sunday

I haven't trained in about 3 days. This whole week has been hectic. With the death of my 96 saturn SL 2, transportation ha been scattered and stress has been high. I could feel the tension built up from all week. Today was for body maintenance.

Foam Roll
Stretch - Bretzel with PNF push/pull patterning, hip flxr stretch, ankle mobility, down dog
Warm up - joint mobility from neck to toes

Get Mills - 16kg 1/5 both sides 24kg 1/4 both sides x 2 sets

Goblet squats 16kg with prying 5 sets

Double Chain 2 24kgs

Clean to Squat
Squat to Press(Thruster)
Repeat for 5 reps = 1 set.

My goal was to get 5 sets in 8 minutes. I finished with 15 seconds to spare. These felt great, no problems with ankle.

1 Arm swings 32kg -
10/10 = 1 set

I got 5 sets in 10 minutes. Maintaining strict form and making sure the power capacity in each swing did not drop

My goal was 8, but this is the heaviest 1 arm swings I have gone up to for that many reps. Considering I haven't been as in practice with KBs lately I am happy with this. Ill go for more sets in the same amount of time, next.

Later today Ill post up what I have been doing for Ankle Rehab.

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