Today was a great day. I completed a class presentation on Navajo uranium mining, which is pretty fucked up shit. That went well and I had time to get a good prek workout meal so I can start off this cycle right.
I haven't done this workout in over 2 weeks so today was just about grooving the patterns and getting into good habits again, with a sweat.
Foam Roll
Dynamic Warm up
Rapid Response drill - Linear, Lateral, Rotational( both sides)
Broad Jumps 2x6 need to make less noise in the landing.
Lateral Bounds 3 x 6 I was sticking these pretty well. I managed to have a lapse in my Narcissism. I accidentally found a fix point on the ground instead of looking at the mirror. Coincidentally I found I was able to balance and stick the landings better , so no more admiring athleticism.
Linear Bounds 1x8
Medial Hops 1x6
Rotational Row 1x6 each side
MB toss 1x8 each side
a1. Trap Bar DL - 135x5 225x5 315x8 328x8
a2. Chops level 3 cook band half kneeling 2x8
b1. Leg Curl on Stability ball 1x8 with two legs 2x6 with 1 leg. Need to work on better hip extension with one leg. Perhaps spikey ball work on hip flxrs followed by a hip flxr stretch in between sets.
b2. Lifts level 3 cook band half kneeling 2x8
Warm up
Wall March Drill
10 yard starts 2x per leg forward
25 yard sprints 3x per leg forward
300 yard shuttle 0:58 New PR.
That was it for the day. Some of the rotational power exercises I did only 1 set and usually I do 3 main sets with the trap bar. However I was just feeling a little tired. I also felt sluggish in the sprints. I've done this workout with more volume but I think my work capacity for these big days has gone down some from absence. I think it will get better as the weeks go on. However I feel great the trap bar DL and sprints spiked my testosterone so I'm on a great endorphin high right now.
This skills day has a lot of aspects of direction for one day. Its my day to get skills training in because my other 2 main days are already pretty stacked. This cycle I'm going to focus more on the concept of auto regulation and working the weights and volume based on how I recovery. This includes quality of sleep, current energy level. I also am looking for ways to track how my central nervous system responds every day.
I bought two Captain of Crush hand grip strengtheners today. One is 140 pounds and the other is 167 pounds of tension. I cam close the 140 a couple times in a row. I haven't tried the 167 yet though. These things are great, they have the grip of a fresh bar bell.
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