Thursday, March 10, 2011

Cardio Flush

Did a quick circuit before class today.

25 seconds 2 hand swings 24kg
25 seconds Burpees
25 Seconds MB Slams
25 seconds L sits on parallettes
50 Seconds Rest
x 2 = 1 5 minute round

1:30 Recovery between rounds 3 rounds

Something nice and simple. HR only got in the high 160s.

During this I accumulated 96 swings so that puts me so far for the week

111 swings
115 snatches
6 HSPU Sets
12 Chin Up sets

Ill have to get my swings and snatches in on saturday and Sunday.

I also played an hour of a game my friends and I made up, Adaptaball. We just bounce a 6 sided reaction ball from perform better, back and forth towards each other. The game is very fun and can be tiring if a good volley happens. Lots of reaction and change of direction.

Great recovery day.

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