Friday, April 1, 2011


For yesterday

Weight 179 Dressed . Lowest I've been in a while. Feeling good though, pull ups are easier because i am lighter haha.

Foam Roll
Static stretch
Jiujitsu class for 2 hours. First time coming back and it was great to be doing BJJ again.

Foam Roll
Static Stretch
Dynamic Warm up

A1. Get up with windmills at top (Get Mills) with a barbel 45x 1/5 65 x 1/5
A2. Shoulders elevated( on bench) Glute bridges 2x10 - I'm going to start loading these soon without a barbell.

B1. OH squat bar x 5 65 x 5
Snatch Balance 65 x 6
Barbel hang Snatch bar x 5 95 x 5 105x5x2 These felt great. I haven't done them in a couple weeks so I just wanted to ingrain good patterning. I really have to focus on landing with emphasis of putting weight the more medial side of the foot. This really helps me from landing to far with toes going out. I just takes constant attention because with a dynamic movement like snatches my body will go to its high threshold strategies which is the path of least resistance. I've had ankle mobility problems in the past and now my range of motion is good but I still have bad cns software from the multiple sprains when I was younger. so the tenancy is to put the toe outward to create "artifical" dorsi flexion"

a1. RDL 135x5 225x5 315x7x2 - These felt heavy today. I need to spread another day or two between trap bar dl and rdl. 1 doesn't seem to be enough, plus with the leg curls on trap bar day and sprints my hamstrings are still recovering. Not sore just feeling flat.
a2. HSPU full ROM. bw 5 sets of 3.
a3. Suitcase Carry 50 db 40 yard walk each leg for 2 sets

B2.SLRDL 60 Contra 8 Ipsy 8 Bar 95 x 8. These felt great today.
B2. DB Bench 50x8 75 Single Arm x 8 Alternating x 8 80 Doubles 5
B3. OH Waiter Walks 35 x 40yd per leg x 2 - First time doing these. It felt different and I want to work on them more.

No Conditions today decided to to rest. Ill get it in tomorrow. Ill do some light get up patterning drills tonight to warm up the shoulders. Arm bars to open up the chest from all the pressing today.

Today was good overall. I have some tweaks to make but that is part of the fun. This will be my 3rd cycle with this template. Each time it evolves and gets better.

Some ESD and Farm work tomorrow. We have to get the garden ready for vegetable season.

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