Monday, March 28, 2011


I want to recommend the DVD Kettlebells From the Ground Up. I bought this for my dad for his birthday and I got a chance to watch it when I was home from break. This is a great dvd that dedicates several hours to the Turkish Get Up. Lots of explanation of what beautiful strength means, progressions for the get up, how to use the move as an assessment and drills to improve every position in the movement. Last couple of days I have been doing the shoulder drills for the first 4 moves along with the patterning stretch. It has really opened up my shoulders. Ill try and get some videos up this week of them.

I hadn't snatched in a couple weeks and I wanted to get some good volume in for the day.

This was at home
Foam Roll - Really thorough. I want to be diligent about maintaining the good tissue quality I have gained back in my regeneration phase.

Static Stretching - Hamstrings, Hip Flxrs

20 minutes of get up drills with the 16kg.
Arm Bars
Neck Rolls and Wrist cricles in each of the 4 steps
Focusing on good posture and open chest through each step.

Goblet Prys 3x 20 seconds

VO2 Max Snatch Protocol
15 work 15 rest - 5 each set alternating hands each time
10 minutes 24kg
10 minutes 16kg. Form started to get a little sloppy so I sat on the ego and went down to the 16kg. No rest between weights though.

20 minutes total for 200 snatches

Weekly Goals
Swings: 0/500
Snatches 200/200
Chin Ups Sets 4/10 - (I've get these done through out the day)
HSPU Sets 0/10 - Lately I've been doing more free standing balance than push ups against the wall.

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