My rhythm of routine has been off beat with the snow storm over the weekend. This is going to be my test week for some of my lifts. I'm closing out on a cycle and want to have some accurate percentages for my phases for my next cycle. My goal today was to trap bar dead lift 500. In attempt to stay fresh for this feat I cut my plyometric and rotation power volume in half for the day. I still wanted to work on the movements but not tax my legs.
Here is what I did today
Foam Rolling
Static and Active Isolation stretching
Dynamic warm up and Movement Preperation
Rapid Response Drills, linear, lateral, rotational, and 2 inch run
Broad Jump 6 reps
Lateral Bounds 2 sets of 3 reps per leg
Squat Jump 5 reps
Rotational Row with Level 3 Gray Cook Band 6 reps each side
Medicine Ball Rotational Throws- Rapid Response 6 reps each side with 4kg ball
Trap Bar Deadlift 135 x 5 225 x 5 315 x 3 405 x 1 455 x 1 475 x 1 ( PR!)
For 500 I went 0 for 2 in my attempts. Both attempts I got the weight 5 inches above the ground.
Leg Curl 2 sets of 6 with valslides and 25 pound plate
Chop Half Kneeling static with Gray Cook level 3 band using pads as stick 2 sets of 8 per side
Lift Half Kneeling static with Gray Cook level 3 band using pads as stick 2 sets of 8 per side
Normally I would pair my trap bar with the chop and the leg curl with the lift, but the gym was crowded and I wanted to put all my focus on the trap bar lifts for the day.
I was a little disappointed today because I had been hoping to pull 500 today. I should be happy that I achieved a 475 trap bar dead lift. I started using the lift back in November. Today was the first day I decided to max out on it. I have become attached to the outcome of 500. In Buddhist teachings attachment leads to suffering. I'm not a Buddhist but I'm also not against cherry picking good advice. 475 is a good number, its 2.56 times my current body weight of 185.
I also was able to see my technique from the front for the first time. I had gotten use to facing parallel with the mirror so i could check my posture through a side profile. The video showed me today that my legs have a slight valgus with the weight. I'm not sure if its just cause the weight is near my maximum or if I do that in weights with 5 and 8 reps. However now that I'm aware of it, it will be corrected. Always stuff to correct!
First time I've uploaded some exercise videos on you tube. Here is my 455 and 475 lift. As well as my second attempt at 500. I'm pretty damn close to it. If i can fix the valgus and have a good cycle I know ill get it in a few months.
Also I had aquired 6 sets of 10 second holds on the handstand trying not to use the wall.
2 sets of 5 pull up- slow and controlled. This goes toward my weekly goal.
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