Sunday, March 6, 2011

Test week day 2

Yesterday was a test day for me for several lifts. Its good to have a way to measure your progress.  It seems the last week in my cycles are the hardest to get through. I felt like my quality of sleep has been less than stellar last week or so.  Regardless I still want to have a quantitative way to analyze my progress.

So here was my workout for Friday

Foam Roll
Dynamic Warm up
Correctives One thing I want to work on is being able to place more weight on the balls of my feet natural. I think I am still operating on bad compensatory software from old ankle sprain injuries. I've done all the FMS corrective mobility drills for a while but I still need to stop placing a lot of my weight on the lateral side of the foot.

Get Mills 32Kg 1/6 Get ups 3/3
Anti Rotation Press Level 3 cook band Half kneeling 8/8 x 2. I'm noticed a steady improvement with these. No body lean and packing the neck really helps

BB Hang Snatch Bar x 5 95 x 5 115 x 3 145 x 1 (PR). I've been doing the hang snatch since last agust.  Its a great exercise and one thing I need to fix is landing with my feet to toed out sometimes. I notice if I focus on landing with the weight more on the inside of my feet that doesn't happen nearly as much. But 145 is 10 pounds more than when I tested in late December.

 A1) RFESS - I skipped this today my back was a little worn out from the trap bar dls couple days ago. I'm not sure if I'm ill continue with this exercise or switch back to front squat.

A2 )Pull Up BW x 5 25 x 3 45 x 2 55 x 1 65 x 1 70 x 1 80 x 1 (PR) Really happy with this.  For variety sack and to change it up for my joints I'm going to work on Weight chin ups for a couple weeks.

A3) Dead Bug brace with swiss ball 6/6 , 7/7 , 7/7

B1) SL Squat to parallel - I've been trying to find a way to load this movement. There are no weighted vest at my gym. Imagine a YMCA with simple equipment. Today I tried it using weight on the dipbelt but when I would lower the weight would hit my standing leg so past 10 pounds it became uncomfortable.  Anything over 20 pound dumbbells becomes to much for my arms to raise and I start to compensate.

10lb DBS with blue band 8/8 with dip belt of 10 pounds 5/5 dipbelt 25 pounds 3/3

B2) Ring Row BW x 5 45 x 5 90 x 3 120x 1 (PR) Leading this movement becomes a problem to as stacking 45 pound plates becomes problematic

B3) Ring Ab fall outs 10 8  7

I put conditiong off for the next day

Hiked for an hour for warm up

WindMills 24kg 5/5 x 2

OHP 24kg x 5 /5 28kg x 5/5 32kg x 2/2 36kg 2/2 1/1 2 months ago I only go 1 with the the 36kg

1 Hand swings with 24kg
30 Sec Left
30 Sec Right
30 Rest
30 L
30 R
30 Rest
30 L
30 R
1:00 Rest
30 L
30 R
1:00 Rest
30 L
30 R
1:00 Rest
30 L
30 R
1:00 Rest
30 L
30 R

8 swings per interval x 14 puts me at 256 swings for the day

For my weekly goals 
Swings 618
Snatches 200
Pull up sets 12
HSPU sets  7 - Fell short on those this week. Ill focus more on them in the following. I worked al ot on free standing handstands than push ups this week.

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