Friday, March 25, 2011

KB Chain

I had a fun night last night, so needless to say I wasn't up for a big lift day. So I did some hiking and KB work to goove patterns and burn calories.

Hiked for 30 minutes

Foam rolled
Lots of pec soft tissue work followed by fascial stretching.

KB Arm bars 16kg - did this for about 1 minute on each side. Really focusing on breathing scalpula retraction. 2 sets each side. This is a great exercise to open up the chest especially after sitting at a computer for a while.

Chin ups BW 4 x 5 slow deliberate lat activation
Paired this with
16kg Goblet Squats with 20 seconds of prying. This position is feeling easier every time i do it. Pack the neck

Double KB Chains 24kgs
Squat to press ( thruster)

That's 1 rep. 5x5 with 1 minute between sets. These felt great and have a lot of bang for buck. Gives a chance to be explosive in the cleans and transferring the energy from the squat to press. Also teaches the body how to absorb impact with the clean. "Armor Building" I've heard it called before. Total body.

My Straussberg sock experiment is going slow. I can only wear them for about 3 hours before they distract me to much to sleep. I think it still requires getting use to. This with te soft tissue work I got done on my calves has really opened up my ankle. Ill have dorsi flex measurement for tomorrow.

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