The last 2.5 weeks my volume of exercise significantly went down. Partly because of the traveling and school work I had to do. Also because I wanted to deload from my last cycle. So I worked out maybe a total of 6 times. Yesterday was the first day I went back to a main lift day since the 7th.
This was a great reminder on how important recovery and regeneration is. This was evident to me in the start of my training day. There was significantly less fascia knots and muscle tightness when I was foam rolling. I'm such a big proponent of foam rolling because it can change tissue density and create better tissue quality. As well as it really allows you to get familiar with your body and know where tight areas are that need to be worked. My stretching and movement prep went great as well. Particularly in the hamstring stretch in the spider man sequence.
Mobility solutions were pair with the front squat to really try and foster great position. The Gray Cook model of getting mobility first than stability through strength.
Foam Rolling
Static / Active Isolation stretching
Movement Prep
Squat Cleans 95 x 5 135 x 4x2 - I haven't done cleans in a couple weeks so I just wanted to groove some light patterns in. I also decided to do cleans and front squats on the same day because it seems to be more synergistic with groving the catch position of the bar.
Tri Set
B1 Front Squats Bar x 5 135 x 5 155 x 6 x 2
B2 Goblet Prys( Goblet squat with prying) 20 seconds x 6
B3 Bench T spine Extension x 6 20 second holds
This tri set really helped me keep my t spine extended the whole time during the from squat. Keeping the points of the elbows facing the wall. I was really happy with the way it felt.
C1 Ring Rows Bw x 10 25 x 8 x 2 BW x 8
C2 Stability Ball Roll outs 10 , 10 , 8
D1 Glute Ham Raise - 7,7,7 - I did an experiment with putting a couple boxes to lift up the 45% back extension at my gym since we don't have a GHR. It worked alright but the positiong of the pads and my knees made it awkward.
D2 DB Flat Bench
50 x 8
70 x 8 Single Arm
70 x 8 Alternating
80 x 8 Doubles
ESD Airdyne
90/90 x 5 - Killer got My HR up to 199
I got the idea of the Bench T spine extension from JJBonyai seen here:
The entire work out felt great. Most importantly I moved well. I attributed that to the recovery I took in the last few weeks. Active Recovery and Regeneration is a must for any solid program.
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