Sunday, June 12, 2011

Good end to a great training week

Yesterday's training session went well. I wanted to incorporate some medicine ball throws today. I haven't done much rotational power with my ankle injury. But I can start with half kneeling. Having the ability to transfer power in the transverse plane is very important, especially for sport and overall function. Often we develop power lineally and Laterally but neglect the rotational component.

3D Breathing 7 minutes
Foam Roll
Joint Mobility
Ankle Exercises
Hip Exercises
Move Prep

A1. Lin Hops 8/8 8/8

A2. FMS Ankle Drill

B1. Parallel 1/2 Kneeling MB Toss 8lb pound 8/8 , 8/8

B2. Bretzel Stretch

C1. Trap Bar DL Bar x 5 135 x5 225 x 5 315 x 5 365 x 5,5,5

C2. Incline DB Bench 45 x 8 55 Single 8 Alternating 8 Double 8

C3. Chop Cook lvl 5 Band Tall Kneeling 8 , 8 , 8

D1. RDl 135 x 5 225 x5 315 x 5 - Was starting to drag ass around this point so I left it at 1 set.

D2. SL Row Contral Lateral 24kg 8 28 7 , 7 , 7

D3. Lift Cook lvl 5 Band Tall Kneeling 8 , 8 ,8


24kg Snatch 60/20x4 96 reps - Pretty much a snatch test. I haven't snatch tested in about 3 months and only snatched 3 times since my ankle injury So I'm pretty happy with 96 reps. If I had just gotten 1 more each minute I would of had 100. Form felt real good especially the down swing.

KB Chains 20kg Snatch , Front Squat, Swing
5 reps
4 reps

I was going to get more ambitious with my KB chains but I was dead tired from the work out. I'm running out of steam a little towards the end. I think the change is back in AZ I usually drink a carb/protein source to sustain me through these long workouts. Since i have gotten to Maryland I've been just drinking water. I think with the humidity I'm sweating way more and losing salts and electrolytes. Ill modify that for next week and see if it makes a difference.

Ill be doing more plyos this week and maybe getting into Olympic lifts again. Depends what the ankle does. I've got two days of rest to look forward to. I might do a KB circuit monday, just to move and be outside. Squat day should be Tuesday and I think ill be doing the Metabolic Acceleration Resistance Training aspect.

Sometime this week I want to put up a video of this great self hip mobilization that AP showed me to create my space in the hip capsule.

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