Sunday, June 19, 2011

Day 3 and KB Day


I was feeling a tired and sore yesterday, so the intensity for day 3 was light. Also short on time so i took somethings out of warm up

Foam Roll
Joint MOB

A1. FMS Ankle 2 sets

A2. Broad Jumps 2 sets of 4. I still can't full push through ankle. I tried and had a sharp pain so I backed off these. Still not ready for them which is a bummer.

Rapid Response Rotation

B1. Bretzel

B2. Half kneeling parallel MB Toss rapid response 8lb Ball 8 , 8

C1. Trap Bar DL Bar x 5 135 x 5 225 x 5 315 , 5.5.5

C2. Lift Lvl 5 Cook band Tall Kneeling 8,8,8

C3. TRX Row ISO holds at top 30 seconds 3 sets - easy should of done weight with these

D1. Glute Ham Raise - I just played around with these. The current gym I have has one however the machine is awkward and I cna't get my toes to touch so I could only do partials.

D2. Chop Lvl 5 Cook Band Tall KNeeling 8 , 8 , 8

D4. Push up Iso holds Top 10 seconds middle 10 seconds Bottom 10 seocnds 2 cycles plus 5 explosive push ups at the end = 1 sets 3 total sets


Airdyne Tempo cardio. Keeping heart rate around 140s with 15 second 80% sprints to spike to 160-170s than waiting till 130 to start again. 20 mins total


Mixed warm up

KBs 15 sets in 25 minutes
Double swings
32kg x 8
24 x 10
24 x 10
24 x 10
2 Hand Swings
48kg 5 sets of 12
1 Arm swings
32kg x 8 L/R
28kg x 10 L/R
24kg x 12 L/R
Finished with 35 seconds to spare.

On my off days I'm going to do Tempo runs and low intensity cardio. Trying to build up a better aerobic base for better recovery. this will also help put my CNS into a more sympathetic state which is where I want to be when Not training. I'm trying to get my resting HR lower throughout the day. Ill be recording it right when I wake up to monitor my progress. I've been reaidng a lot of Joel Jamison stuff from . H has been stressing the need for better aerobic bases to help with overall recovery and recovery during higher intensity intervals.

He just put up a great presentation on rethinking energy system development which can be found here:

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