Saturday, June 25, 2011

Day 2 (MART)


3D Breath
Foam Roll
Joint Mobilization
Ankle Exercises
Hip Exercises
Movement Prep - Spiderman, Knee hug, Inchworm, Lateral and Rotational Lunges

To keep with the metabolic accelerative resistance training concept the ext segment from Plyos and strength training was completed in 70 minutes.

A1. FMS Ankle

A2. Medial Hops 8/8 Lateral Hops 8/8 done with 12inch hurdles - these felt great. I was sticking the landings and my ankle really didn't bother me. I still want to keep the volume low and slow reintroduce these dynamic landings as my ankle continues to adapt to more function.

B1. T spine mobility

B2. Get Ups 24kg 2/2 , 2/2

C1. FMS ASLR Leg Lowering

C2. SL RDL Band 5/5 Double 24kg 8/8 , 8/8 Double 28kg 8/8

C3. ARP Standing Athletic stance Gray Band lvl 5 8/8 8/8 8/8 - Haven't done standing in a long time. Much easier to compensate than Tall Kneeling of Half Kneeling

C4. Overhead Press Double 24kg Warm up 5/5 Double 28kg 8/8 Double 24kg 8/8 , 8/8

D1. Hip Flexxor Stretch

D2. Leg Curl (mini slide board ) 8 , 8 , 8

D3. DB flat Bench 75lb Single Arm 8 Alternating 8 Double 8

D4. Suitcase Cary 24kg 60yard Walk each hand for 3 sets

ESD - I was feeling pretty cooked from the strength training session but like an Ape who doesn't think I still did some tabatta circuits

20/10 x 8 sets. 3 rounds waiting till 65% HR to start each round

Swings 24kg
MB Slam rapid response 8lb Ball
Airdyne Sprint
MB Push Pass rapid response 8lb Ball

I was a little dehydrated I think today and probably over did it a bit. Active recovery tomorrow(saturday)

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