Saturday, June 25, 2011

Easy saturday

I just wanted to move and work on tissue quality today. A light cardio flush as well. Active recovery at it's finest. I also wanted to revisit some of the rolling patterns to make sure they are up to snuff even though I'm on advance progressions like chops and lifts.

Today was also dedicated to work on packing the neck and starting movements with the eyes , like the rolling patterns. Today was a good day to resivit some basic stuff and recover

3D breath
Foam Roll - went really in depth especially on the hamstrings from yesterdays session
Joint Mobilization

FMS Rolling patterns
Legs 2/2 , 2/2 Slight disconnect with left leg going over and coming back
Arms 2/2 2/2 2/2 Slight disconnect with Left Arm going over and coming back.
Total body 2/2 2/2 looks good.

I like rolling because its a primitive pattern that can easy show a symmetries. In this case both lower and upper quarter on the left side are a little behind. So its not a diagonal dysfunction more unilateral. This make sense because on the FMS rotary stability test I can get a 3 using the left side and a 2 using the right. My left side has to inherently stabilize when using my right arms which is where I can only get a 2. This would be my frist progression into fixing that a symmerty.

A1. Arm Bars 16kg 1/1 1/1 really love this for opening up my pecs

B1. Goblet Squat prys 16kg 5x 20 seconds focusing on keeping pelvic floor tight, straight spine and packed neck. Leading the concentric part with the eyes.

B2. Linear core work. Dead bug while pushing hands into the wall to activate lats. While holding this position Single leg lowering. I got this from Chad Waterbury's article. I love the dead bug for teaching pelvic control but I never incorporated the wall push for lat activation as well. Good stuff the Article can be found here

Airdyne Temp work for 20 minutes. Easy stuff to get a light sweat and build up aerobic work capacity.

Possible Day 3 tomorrow seeing how I feel if not than monday.

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