Thursday, June 9, 2011

Day 2 (MART)

I had the pleasure of seeing Alwyn Cosgroove speak over the weekend on fat loss. Alwyn is a great presenter and really personable. I'm not going to go into full detail about his talk, but I highly suggest you take the opportunity to see him speak if you can.

I wanted to try some of the information I learned from Alwyn. Today I modified the temp of the entire work out to create "Metabolic disturbance". Basically creating a thermodynamic effect through high density training. A very effect way that Alwyn has ad the most success for doing this is Metabolic Acceleration Resistance Training (MART). That is the concept I will be implementing in today.

The changes I made were as follows:

Sets lasting to 60 seconds. Increasing time under tension

Accommodating Recovery - Basically taking just enough recovery to have another set of good form. The recovery might need to increase as the sets go on to accommodate fatigue.

Accommodating resistance - For this type of workout less weight will be used to maintain the good form, high reps and tempo

From the Plyos to the last strength set set took about 75 minutes. I had a gym boss on a 65 minute timer so I could keep up the pace. Its more exact than just trying to "feel it".

Foam Roll
Self Mobilization Drills - Hips
Stretches- Short Adductors , Hip Flxrs, Hamstrings, 90/90 PNF pull/push,
Ankle Exercises - Toe Curls, Short Arch Makers, Single Leg Straight and Bent Calf Raises ,
Hip Exercises - Clams, Wall Abductors, Mini Band in and Outs, SL glute Bridge,
Warm Up, Spider man, Knee Hugs, Inchworms

Athletes' Performance gave me a program to do while I'm home. So i've incorporated it into my warm up but, also took some things out. This took me 55 minutes to complete

A1. Medial and Lateral Box hops 2 sets of 6 each leg, each direction

A2. FMS Drosi Ankle flexion corrective ( I really like this one)

B1. Get ups 24kg 2/2 , 2/2

B2. T Spine Upper Quarter Mobility Drill

C1. Lateral HamString Stretch

C2. SL RDL 2 24kbs 8,8,8,

C3. Anti Rotational Press 8/8 , 8/8, 8/8 Tall Kneeling

C4. Single Arm KB Military Press 24kg 8/8, 8/8, 8/8, 8/8

D1. DB Bench 60 8/8 8/8 8/8

D2. Hip Flxr Stretch

D3. Slide Board Leg Curls Eccentric Only 8 , 8 , 8 (I went with eccentric because I want to make sure of full hip extension with no back arch)

D4. Suitcase Carries 24kg 60yds each hand 3 sets ( these felt great. A good tip is to make sure that you feel activation in the Quadratus Lumborum opposite of the hand holding the weight. Stewart Mccgill preached a lot about carries over the weekend and how an active and trained QL can improve cutting and lateral speed. I want to incorpoate these more and see for myself)


Slide Board
45 on / 60 off x 5 Rounds

5 Mile Airdyne = 14:05 Small Fan

Mike Boyle talks a lot about having the 5 mile airdyne being used as a performance test. This was my first time doing it. Pretty rough HR stayed in the 180s last 3 miles and Peaked at 197 at the end. I'm glad I have a base line because now I can occasionally go back and test and see how my fitness has changed.

I haven't sweated this much in one work out in a long time. I'm sticking with my 3 main lift day program with kettle bells on the off days. What I want to do is have 1 workout be a hard strength workout with longer rest and more weight, another one in the MART format and the third one a more medium intensity strength day. Ill switch which tempo each day each week, to keep the demand for adaptation up. For example this week my Day 1 was a strength day, Day 2 was a MART day and Day 3 will be another strength day. The intensity for day 3 will depend how I am feeling saturday. I still want to have an intuitive based approach and adjust accordingly to how the body responds.

Rest tomorrow. More videos to come.

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