Thursday, June 30, 2011

Some snatches

3D Breath
Foam Roll
Joint Mobilization

Get ups with Windmills at top 24kg 1/4 Bottoms up 16kg 1/3 (better than yesterdays)

Snatch Intervals 24kg
60/20 x 4

I lost count but estimate around 90. Definitely tired from yesterday. I also haven't snatched in a couple weeks. I need to start doing it more and grooving the patterns.

Double Snatchs 20kg

Just wanted to move and sweat a little for the day

Big Lift day tomorrow maybe some heavy pressing.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

day 1 mart with modifications

Half an hour prior to training I had received graston on the ankle. The chiro told me the ankle will be temporary weaker because along with breaking up scar tissue some of the adhesion provided stability. So I ditched sl squats and front squats today and put in some heavy goblet squats and rev slide board lunges. Also no ankle rehab exercises today. No plyos either.

I played around with the tempo for some of the strength complex. Longer eccentrics and pauses to increase total time under tension.

3d Breathing 7 minutes
Foam Roll
Joint Mobility

A1. T spine mobility extension and rotation

A2. Get ups with Windmills at top 24kg 1/5 Bottoms up 16kg 1/3 32kg 1/3

B1. Goblet Squat (6/2/x/1) 28kg 8 32kg 8 , 8

B2. Tactical pull Ups (X/6/1/1) 6, 7 20lb Vest normal tempo 8

B3. Stir the pot 20lb vest ( each circle about 3 seconds with 1 second pause) 10, 12 , 10

B4 Shoulders Elevated Glute Bridge Marching 5/5 Single Leg 6/6 , 6/6

C1. Rev Slide Board Lunge with Dowel 8/8 20kg Goblet 8/8 8/8 8/8

C2. TRX Row (X/5/1/1) 30lb Vest 5 10lb Vest 8, 7 - The trx isometrics from monday took some of the juice out of these

C3. Body Saw (mini slideboard) 45lb Plate (2/2/2) 7 , 8 , 6

ESD for tomorrow. I wanted to do snatches but was pretty cooked from the metabolic strength workout. HR was up the whole time anyway so that was a good cardio effect for the day.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Good pulls and lots of swings.

Foam Roll
Joint Mob

A1. FMS Ankle

A2. Light Broad Jumps 4 , 4 - didn't go full throttle because of ankle just wanted to groove the pattern and work on landing, Volume was kept Low to.

B1. Bretzel

B2. Half KNeeling Parallel MB Toss 8 , 8

C1. Trap Bar DL 135 x 5 225 x 5 315 x 3 365 x 3 405 x 3 , 3 - I don't think I've been this heavy since my ankle injury. Truth be told to since this exercise is usu slay at the end of the week I don't have much left to go real heavy.

C2. Lift Tall Kneeling Using keiser 12 pounds 8/8 , 8/8 , 8/8

C3. TRX Row Holds at top 35 seconds 3 sets - focusing on full scapula activation and working on packing the neck. Chin tucked Face Back

D1. Valslide Rev Lunge First 2 sets where with stick on back making 3 points of contact ( like FMS ILL) 8/8 , 8/8 24kg Goblet Hold 6/6 20kg 6/6 - First time using this exercise. I really like it. I need to work on my lunges so this works out. Probably went to heavy with 24kg. I need to make sure I set up good patterns first.

D2. Chop Tall Kneeling 15 Pounds 8/8 8/8 8/8

D3. TRX Push UP Holds at bottom 45 seconds 3 sets Packing neck


SWING SHOW 16 sets in 25 minutes
5 Doubles
24kg x 8
28kg x 8
32kg x 8
28kg x 8
24kg x 8
5 2 hand
48kg 8,10,8,8,8
6 1 hand 3 each side
32kg 8/8
28kg 8/8
24kg 10/10

Finished with 45 seconds left Felt great. Was keeping good power through out all my swings. I might try some double work with the 36kg later this week or next

Tomorrow just doing warm up some rolling corrective and an aerobic session for active recovery.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Easy saturday

I just wanted to move and work on tissue quality today. A light cardio flush as well. Active recovery at it's finest. I also wanted to revisit some of the rolling patterns to make sure they are up to snuff even though I'm on advance progressions like chops and lifts.

Today was also dedicated to work on packing the neck and starting movements with the eyes , like the rolling patterns. Today was a good day to resivit some basic stuff and recover

3D breath
Foam Roll - went really in depth especially on the hamstrings from yesterdays session
Joint Mobilization

FMS Rolling patterns
Legs 2/2 , 2/2 Slight disconnect with left leg going over and coming back
Arms 2/2 2/2 2/2 Slight disconnect with Left Arm going over and coming back.
Total body 2/2 2/2 looks good.

I like rolling because its a primitive pattern that can easy show a symmetries. In this case both lower and upper quarter on the left side are a little behind. So its not a diagonal dysfunction more unilateral. This make sense because on the FMS rotary stability test I can get a 3 using the left side and a 2 using the right. My left side has to inherently stabilize when using my right arms which is where I can only get a 2. This would be my frist progression into fixing that a symmerty.

A1. Arm Bars 16kg 1/1 1/1 really love this for opening up my pecs

B1. Goblet Squat prys 16kg 5x 20 seconds focusing on keeping pelvic floor tight, straight spine and packed neck. Leading the concentric part with the eyes.

B2. Linear core work. Dead bug while pushing hands into the wall to activate lats. While holding this position Single leg lowering. I got this from Chad Waterbury's article. I love the dead bug for teaching pelvic control but I never incorporated the wall push for lat activation as well. Good stuff the Article can be found here

Airdyne Temp work for 20 minutes. Easy stuff to get a light sweat and build up aerobic work capacity.

Possible Day 3 tomorrow seeing how I feel if not than monday.

Day 2 (MART)


3D Breath
Foam Roll
Joint Mobilization
Ankle Exercises
Hip Exercises
Movement Prep - Spiderman, Knee hug, Inchworm, Lateral and Rotational Lunges

To keep with the metabolic accelerative resistance training concept the ext segment from Plyos and strength training was completed in 70 minutes.

A1. FMS Ankle

A2. Medial Hops 8/8 Lateral Hops 8/8 done with 12inch hurdles - these felt great. I was sticking the landings and my ankle really didn't bother me. I still want to keep the volume low and slow reintroduce these dynamic landings as my ankle continues to adapt to more function.

B1. T spine mobility

B2. Get Ups 24kg 2/2 , 2/2

C1. FMS ASLR Leg Lowering

C2. SL RDL Band 5/5 Double 24kg 8/8 , 8/8 Double 28kg 8/8

C3. ARP Standing Athletic stance Gray Band lvl 5 8/8 8/8 8/8 - Haven't done standing in a long time. Much easier to compensate than Tall Kneeling of Half Kneeling

C4. Overhead Press Double 24kg Warm up 5/5 Double 28kg 8/8 Double 24kg 8/8 , 8/8

D1. Hip Flexxor Stretch

D2. Leg Curl (mini slide board ) 8 , 8 , 8

D3. DB flat Bench 75lb Single Arm 8 Alternating 8 Double 8

D4. Suitcase Cary 24kg 60yard Walk each hand for 3 sets

ESD - I was feeling pretty cooked from the strength training session but like an Ape who doesn't think I still did some tabatta circuits

20/10 x 8 sets. 3 rounds waiting till 65% HR to start each round

Swings 24kg
MB Slam rapid response 8lb Ball
Airdyne Sprint
MB Push Pass rapid response 8lb Ball

I was a little dehydrated I think today and probably over did it a bit. Active recovery tomorrow(saturday)

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Single Limb stuff

No Vehicle? No Excuses. Simple easy training session outside

Light Foam Roll

A1. Body weight pistols (using half filled gallon just as counterbalance) 1R/1L

A2. 1 arm assisted pull up on tree branch( Off hand holding on to GI belt for help) 1L/1R

10 sets = 10 reps each side.

Just going to roll and stretch tonight for some active recovery.


was feeling tired and sore from Monday's training. Just wanted to get in the gym and move a little. I felt way better afterwards.

Foam Roll

Arm bars with 16kg

Goblet Prys 16kg and 28kg

Handstand holds

Tempo intesnity on Airdyne 25 minutes.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Good Day 1 - SL Squat PRs

Monday: Active Recovery Day

3D Breath
Joint Mob
Ankle Rehab
Hip Exercises
Movement Prep

Airdyne - Tempo Intensity 30 minutes

Tuesday- Feeling good today, definitely wanted to push it in the front squat.
3D Breath
Joint Mob
Ankle Rehab
Hip Exercises
Movement Prep - inch worm, spider man, lateral and rotational lunge

A1. 24 inch box jump 2 x 8 - working on soft landing and proper triple extension

B1. T Spine Mobility Drills - gliding/rolls , Upper Quarter look and turns

B2. Get Mills 24kg 1/3 28kg 1/3

C1. T Spine Towel and Goblet Squat Prys

C2. Front Squat Bar x 5 135 x 5 185 x 3 205 x 5 225 x 5 205 x 5

C3. Stir the Pot 12 , 12 , 12 , 12

C4. Tactical Pull UP BW x 3 16kg 5 ,5,5,5

D1. FMS Ankle Mobility

D2. SL Squat 24lb (2 12 DB in hands) 5/5 (Added 40 pounds of vests 64LB total weight) 5/5 , 5/5 44lb 5/5 - These felt great and its a new PR for me. I'm really happy with this weight

D3. BodySaw 30lbs on Slideboard - 6, 8 , 10

D4. TRX Row Bw x 3 50LBs of vests 8 , 7 , 6

No ESD yesterday. The airdynesw ere being used and I didn't want to make up something on the spot. So I'm doing the ESD today.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Day 3 and KB Day


I was feeling a tired and sore yesterday, so the intensity for day 3 was light. Also short on time so i took somethings out of warm up

Foam Roll
Joint MOB

A1. FMS Ankle 2 sets

A2. Broad Jumps 2 sets of 4. I still can't full push through ankle. I tried and had a sharp pain so I backed off these. Still not ready for them which is a bummer.

Rapid Response Rotation

B1. Bretzel

B2. Half kneeling parallel MB Toss rapid response 8lb Ball 8 , 8

C1. Trap Bar DL Bar x 5 135 x 5 225 x 5 315 , 5.5.5

C2. Lift Lvl 5 Cook band Tall Kneeling 8,8,8

C3. TRX Row ISO holds at top 30 seconds 3 sets - easy should of done weight with these

D1. Glute Ham Raise - I just played around with these. The current gym I have has one however the machine is awkward and I cna't get my toes to touch so I could only do partials.

D2. Chop Lvl 5 Cook Band Tall KNeeling 8 , 8 , 8

D4. Push up Iso holds Top 10 seconds middle 10 seconds Bottom 10 seocnds 2 cycles plus 5 explosive push ups at the end = 1 sets 3 total sets


Airdyne Tempo cardio. Keeping heart rate around 140s with 15 second 80% sprints to spike to 160-170s than waiting till 130 to start again. 20 mins total


Mixed warm up

KBs 15 sets in 25 minutes
Double swings
32kg x 8
24 x 10
24 x 10
24 x 10
2 Hand Swings
48kg 5 sets of 12
1 Arm swings
32kg x 8 L/R
28kg x 10 L/R
24kg x 12 L/R
Finished with 35 seconds to spare.

On my off days I'm going to do Tempo runs and low intensity cardio. Trying to build up a better aerobic base for better recovery. this will also help put my CNS into a more sympathetic state which is where I want to be when Not training. I'm trying to get my resting HR lower throughout the day. Ill be recording it right when I wake up to monitor my progress. I've been reaidng a lot of Joel Jamison stuff from . H has been stressing the need for better aerobic bases to help with overall recovery and recovery during higher intensity intervals.

He just put up a great presentation on rethinking energy system development which can be found here:

Friday, June 17, 2011


I wanted to try for some new PRs on a couple lifts. I decided to cut some of the volume down today for my other lifts as well.

3D Breathing
Foam Roll
Joint Mob
Ankle rehab
Hip rehab
Movement Prep

A1. FMS Ankle Drill

A2. Medial box Hops 6/6, 6/6 , Lateral Box Hops 6/6 , 6/6

B1. T Spine Mob - Rolls, Uppper Quarter turns, Lower Quarter Turns, Rolls

B2. Get Ups - 24kg 1 32kg 1 36kg 1 40kg 1 (PR) - The 41kg felt pretty good, was a little sloppy on right side but nothing to bad.

C1. Lateral Hamstring Stretch

C2. SL RDL Band Warm up 6/6 , 2 32kgs 5/5 , 5/5

C3. Over Head Press 28kg 3/3 36kg 1/ 40kg 1/1 (PR) - This felt pretty good. Went up in a smooth motion.

C4. Anti Rotational Press level 5 cook band Tall Kneeling 6/6 , 6/6

D1. Hip Flxr Stretch

D2. Leg Curl Slideboard 6 , 6 , 8

D3. DB Bench 80 Single Arm 6, Alternating 6, Doubles 7

D4. Suit Case Carry Bottoms Up 20kg 35 yards each hand for 2 sets


Slideboard 45/70 x 6 rounds

Cut conditioning short today. Still have a big lift day for saturday.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Joint Mobility

A1. Get Mills 55lb KB 1/3 , 1/3

A2. Goblet Squat Prys 55lb KB 20 seconds x 4

Circuit 50/60 x 10 with 55lb KB and a Thick Tree Branch

5 Snatches Left
5 Snatches Right
3 Tactical Pull Ups
Rest 60 seconds

The hook grip in the down swing of my left hand in the snatch needs work. I think my calluses are getting in the way.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Day 1 (MART)

Today was my second attempt at Metabolic Accelerating Resistance Training. It went pretty well. Front squats don't lend themselves to high reps with perfect form so I kept it at 6 reps with slow tempo.

Foam Roll
Joint Distractions
Ankle Exercises
Hip Exercises
Warm up

A1. Load n Lift 2 x 5

A2. Squat Jump 2 x 5

B1. Get Mills 1/4 , 1/4

B2. T spine mobility

C1. T spine bench mobility 5 , 5 , 5 , 5

C2. Front Squats Bar x 5 135 x 5 185 x 6 , 6 , 6

C3. Stir the Pot 12 , 12 , 12

C4. Tactical Pull ups BW 10 , 8 , 7 - going back to body weight for a bit to work on stricter form.

D1. FMS Ankle Mobility

D2. SL Squats 10lb DBs for counterweight BW 6/6 , 30lb Vest 6/6, BW 6/6

D3. Body Saw Slideboard with 20lb plate 8 , 8 , 8

D4. TRX Row BW 5 30lb Vest 8 BW 10 , 10

Airdyne Miles 5x

Kettlebell work tomorrow.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Good end to a great training week

Yesterday's training session went well. I wanted to incorporate some medicine ball throws today. I haven't done much rotational power with my ankle injury. But I can start with half kneeling. Having the ability to transfer power in the transverse plane is very important, especially for sport and overall function. Often we develop power lineally and Laterally but neglect the rotational component.

3D Breathing 7 minutes
Foam Roll
Joint Mobility
Ankle Exercises
Hip Exercises
Move Prep

A1. Lin Hops 8/8 8/8

A2. FMS Ankle Drill

B1. Parallel 1/2 Kneeling MB Toss 8lb pound 8/8 , 8/8

B2. Bretzel Stretch

C1. Trap Bar DL Bar x 5 135 x5 225 x 5 315 x 5 365 x 5,5,5

C2. Incline DB Bench 45 x 8 55 Single 8 Alternating 8 Double 8

C3. Chop Cook lvl 5 Band Tall Kneeling 8 , 8 , 8

D1. RDl 135 x 5 225 x5 315 x 5 - Was starting to drag ass around this point so I left it at 1 set.

D2. SL Row Contral Lateral 24kg 8 28 7 , 7 , 7

D3. Lift Cook lvl 5 Band Tall Kneeling 8 , 8 ,8


24kg Snatch 60/20x4 96 reps - Pretty much a snatch test. I haven't snatch tested in about 3 months and only snatched 3 times since my ankle injury So I'm pretty happy with 96 reps. If I had just gotten 1 more each minute I would of had 100. Form felt real good especially the down swing.

KB Chains 20kg Snatch , Front Squat, Swing
5 reps
4 reps

I was going to get more ambitious with my KB chains but I was dead tired from the work out. I'm running out of steam a little towards the end. I think the change is back in AZ I usually drink a carb/protein source to sustain me through these long workouts. Since i have gotten to Maryland I've been just drinking water. I think with the humidity I'm sweating way more and losing salts and electrolytes. Ill modify that for next week and see if it makes a difference.

Ill be doing more plyos this week and maybe getting into Olympic lifts again. Depends what the ankle does. I've got two days of rest to look forward to. I might do a KB circuit monday, just to move and be outside. Squat day should be Tuesday and I think ill be doing the Metabolic Acceleration Resistance Training aspect.

Sometime this week I want to put up a video of this great self hip mobilization that AP showed me to create my space in the hip capsule.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Day 2 (MART)

I had the pleasure of seeing Alwyn Cosgroove speak over the weekend on fat loss. Alwyn is a great presenter and really personable. I'm not going to go into full detail about his talk, but I highly suggest you take the opportunity to see him speak if you can.

I wanted to try some of the information I learned from Alwyn. Today I modified the temp of the entire work out to create "Metabolic disturbance". Basically creating a thermodynamic effect through high density training. A very effect way that Alwyn has ad the most success for doing this is Metabolic Acceleration Resistance Training (MART). That is the concept I will be implementing in today.

The changes I made were as follows:

Sets lasting to 60 seconds. Increasing time under tension

Accommodating Recovery - Basically taking just enough recovery to have another set of good form. The recovery might need to increase as the sets go on to accommodate fatigue.

Accommodating resistance - For this type of workout less weight will be used to maintain the good form, high reps and tempo

From the Plyos to the last strength set set took about 75 minutes. I had a gym boss on a 65 minute timer so I could keep up the pace. Its more exact than just trying to "feel it".

Foam Roll
Self Mobilization Drills - Hips
Stretches- Short Adductors , Hip Flxrs, Hamstrings, 90/90 PNF pull/push,
Ankle Exercises - Toe Curls, Short Arch Makers, Single Leg Straight and Bent Calf Raises ,
Hip Exercises - Clams, Wall Abductors, Mini Band in and Outs, SL glute Bridge,
Warm Up, Spider man, Knee Hugs, Inchworms

Athletes' Performance gave me a program to do while I'm home. So i've incorporated it into my warm up but, also took some things out. This took me 55 minutes to complete

A1. Medial and Lateral Box hops 2 sets of 6 each leg, each direction

A2. FMS Drosi Ankle flexion corrective ( I really like this one)

B1. Get ups 24kg 2/2 , 2/2

B2. T Spine Upper Quarter Mobility Drill

C1. Lateral HamString Stretch

C2. SL RDL 2 24kbs 8,8,8,

C3. Anti Rotational Press 8/8 , 8/8, 8/8 Tall Kneeling

C4. Single Arm KB Military Press 24kg 8/8, 8/8, 8/8, 8/8

D1. DB Bench 60 8/8 8/8 8/8

D2. Hip Flxr Stretch

D3. Slide Board Leg Curls Eccentric Only 8 , 8 , 8 (I went with eccentric because I want to make sure of full hip extension with no back arch)

D4. Suitcase Carries 24kg 60yds each hand 3 sets ( these felt great. A good tip is to make sure that you feel activation in the Quadratus Lumborum opposite of the hand holding the weight. Stewart Mccgill preached a lot about carries over the weekend and how an active and trained QL can improve cutting and lateral speed. I want to incorpoate these more and see for myself)


Slide Board
45 on / 60 off x 5 Rounds

5 Mile Airdyne = 14:05 Small Fan

Mike Boyle talks a lot about having the 5 mile airdyne being used as a performance test. This was my first time doing it. Pretty rough HR stayed in the 180s last 3 miles and Peaked at 197 at the end. I'm glad I have a base line because now I can occasionally go back and test and see how my fitness has changed.

I haven't sweated this much in one work out in a long time. I'm sticking with my 3 main lift day program with kettle bells on the off days. What I want to do is have 1 workout be a hard strength workout with longer rest and more weight, another one in the MART format and the third one a more medium intensity strength day. Ill switch which tempo each day each week, to keep the demand for adaptation up. For example this week my Day 1 was a strength day, Day 2 was a MART day and Day 3 will be another strength day. The intensity for day 3 will depend how I am feeling saturday. I still want to have an intuitive based approach and adjust accordingly to how the body responds.

Rest tomorrow. More videos to come.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Abs are sore from bodysaws yesterday.

Foam Roll

Get Mills 20kg 1/3

Bottoms UP Wind Mills 20kg 2/2 3/3

Double Swings
24 10 Reps
Rest 30
28kg 8 Reps
Rest 30
32kgs 6 Reps
That is 1 Round Done for total of 3 Rounds

2Hand Swings 48kg 12 reps/45 second rest x 5 rounds

I was pretty sweaty by the end.

Modified Day two tomorrow.

Day 1 with some tweaks

I just got back from the perform better summit and wow did I learn a lot. Most of the presentations I saw affirmed what I already knew, which is great. Its important to be reminded and refreshed of information you know because it furthers one's understanding. I also want to add more mobility and correction drills between my sets.

My diet and sleep patterns were not great over the weekend. The traveling took its toll to so yesterday I just wanted to get back in the routine and push it where I could.

Monday I received a deep tissue massage that really opened up some of the tight areas I have. Chris also worked on my calf and ankle area and it feels much better and mobile.

Foam Roll
Joint Mobility - Self mobilization for hip gliding
Movement Prep

Box Jumps 12 Inch box 3 x 8 = - these felt good. My ankle is coming a long nicely.

A1. Get Mills 24 kg 1/4 32kg 1/2 36kg 1/3 , / - I want to try and do a get up with the beast in the next 3 weeks while I"m back home and have access to one.

A2. T spine mobility drills in between sets. Quadrepd upper/lower quarter look and turns x 10 each set

B1. Towel T Spine mobility

B2. Front Squat Bar x 5 135 x 5 185 x 5 , 5 ,5 - these felt real heavy today. I was hoping to do more weight but decided not to push it. I think the heavy get ups warm out my shoulders some. Still an improvement from last week 3 sets of 185 for 5.

B3. Pull up(Tactical - thumb less grip, neck to bar) BW x 3 16kg x 5, 5 BW 6,6 - Felt heavy today,

B4. Stir the Pot 10 10 10

C1. FMS Ankle Dorsi flexion corrective (talus tracking) 10, 10 , 10

C2. SL Squat to parallel 5lb DBs 5/85, Wight 10lb vest 6/6 , 6/6

C3. TRX Row BW x 4 40LB Vest 8 ,8 ,8

C4. BodySaw 10lb Vest 6.6.6 - Lots of extra resistance doing these on turf


4 x 1 Mile Airdyne Sprints on Big Wheel. Really hard! Average time was 2:30 for a mile.

I wanted to do some more conditioning but my workout was taking a long time and I didn't want to over tax my CNS coming back form a break.

I am back home in Maryland for several weeks. I want to try and max out on a couple lifts while down here. I'm thinking of doing
Front Squat
Horizontal/Vertical Push
Horizontal/Vertical Pull
Trap Bar

Tomorrow I will be trying a Metabolic Acceleration Resistance Strength Training. Its a concept I picked up from Alwyn Cosgroves presentation. More on that to come tomorrow.