Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Good start to week 1

Today was a great day. I completed a class presentation on Navajo uranium mining, which is pretty fucked up shit. That went well and I had time to get a good prek workout meal so I can start off this cycle right.

I haven't done this workout in over 2 weeks so today was just about grooving the patterns and getting into good habits again, with a sweat.

Foam Roll
Dynamic Warm up

Rapid Response drill - Linear, Lateral, Rotational( both sides)

Broad Jumps 2x6 need to make less noise in the landing.

Lateral Bounds 3 x 6 I was sticking these pretty well. I managed to have a lapse in my Narcissism. I accidentally found a fix point on the ground instead of looking at the mirror. Coincidentally I found I was able to balance and stick the landings better , so no more admiring athleticism.

Linear Bounds 1x8

Medial Hops 1x6

Rotational Row 1x6 each side

MB toss 1x8 each side

a1. Trap Bar DL - 135x5 225x5 315x8 328x8

a2. Chops level 3 cook band half kneeling 2x8

b1. Leg Curl on Stability ball 1x8 with two legs 2x6 with 1 leg. Need to work on better hip extension with one leg. Perhaps spikey ball work on hip flxrs followed by a hip flxr stretch in between sets.

b2. Lifts level 3 cook band half kneeling 2x8

Warm up
Wall March Drill

10 yard starts 2x per leg forward

25 yard sprints 3x per leg forward

300 yard shuttle 0:58 New PR.

That was it for the day. Some of the rotational power exercises I did only 1 set and usually I do 3 main sets with the trap bar. However I was just feeling a little tired. I also felt sluggish in the sprints. I've done this workout with more volume but I think my work capacity for these big days has gone down some from absence. I think it will get better as the weeks go on. However I feel great the trap bar DL and sprints spiked my testosterone so I'm on a great endorphin high right now.

This skills day has a lot of aspects of direction for one day. Its my day to get skills training in because my other 2 main days are already pretty stacked. This cycle I'm going to focus more on the concept of auto regulation and working the weights and volume based on how I recovery. This includes quality of sleep, current energy level. I also am looking for ways to track how my central nervous system responds every day.

I bought two Captain of Crush hand grip strengtheners today. One is 140 pounds and the other is 167 pounds of tension. I cam close the 140 a couple times in a row. I haven't tried the 167 yet though. These things are great, they have the grip of a fresh bar bell.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

20/10 swings and mb slams

Swing pattern felt a little flat today. Probably from the snatches last night. Still wanted to get my HR Up and get my metabolism up for the day.

1 Hand Swings 24kg alternating each side
MB Slams Rapid Response 4kg ball

20 second work
10 rest
x 10 sets
x 2 rounds 2 minute recovery between rounds
Last round I went for 2 hand swings to keep it even

Average swings per set was 11 for 1 hand and 13 for 2 hand

That puts me at 158 swings for the week.

HR got up to 179
I might get another circuit in today otherwise Big Lift day tomorrow, plyos, rotational power and skills.

Monday, March 28, 2011


I want to recommend the DVD Kettlebells From the Ground Up. I bought this for my dad for his birthday and I got a chance to watch it when I was home from break. This is a great dvd that dedicates several hours to the Turkish Get Up. Lots of explanation of what beautiful strength means, progressions for the get up, how to use the move as an assessment and drills to improve every position in the movement. Last couple of days I have been doing the shoulder drills for the first 4 moves along with the patterning stretch. It has really opened up my shoulders. Ill try and get some videos up this week of them.

I hadn't snatched in a couple weeks and I wanted to get some good volume in for the day.

This was at home
Foam Roll - Really thorough. I want to be diligent about maintaining the good tissue quality I have gained back in my regeneration phase.

Static Stretching - Hamstrings, Hip Flxrs

20 minutes of get up drills with the 16kg.
Arm Bars
Neck Rolls and Wrist cricles in each of the 4 steps
Focusing on good posture and open chest through each step.

Goblet Prys 3x 20 seconds

VO2 Max Snatch Protocol
15 work 15 rest - 5 each set alternating hands each time
10 minutes 24kg
10 minutes 16kg. Form started to get a little sloppy so I sat on the ego and went down to the 16kg. No rest between weights though.

20 minutes total for 200 snatches

Weekly Goals
Swings: 0/500
Snatches 200/200
Chin Ups Sets 4/10 - (I've get these done through out the day)
HSPU Sets 0/10 - Lately I've been doing more free standing balance than push ups against the wall.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Recovery Rocks

The last 2.5 weeks my volume of exercise significantly went down. Partly because of the traveling and school work I had to do. Also because I wanted to deload from my last cycle. So I worked out maybe a total of 6 times. Yesterday was the first day I went back to a main lift day since the 7th.

This was a great reminder on how important recovery and regeneration is. This was evident to me in the start of my training day. There was significantly less fascia knots and muscle tightness when I was foam rolling. I'm such a big proponent of foam rolling because it can change tissue density and create better tissue quality. As well as it really allows you to get familiar with your body and know where tight areas are that need to be worked. My stretching and movement prep went great as well. Particularly in the hamstring stretch in the spider man sequence.

Mobility solutions were pair with the front squat to really try and foster great position. The Gray Cook model of getting mobility first than stability through strength.

Foam Rolling
Static / Active Isolation stretching
Movement Prep

Squat Cleans 95 x 5 135 x 4x2 - I haven't done cleans in a couple weeks so I just wanted to groove some light patterns in. I also decided to do cleans and front squats on the same day because it seems to be more synergistic with groving the catch position of the bar.

Tri Set
B1 Front Squats Bar x 5 135 x 5 155 x 6 x 2
B2 Goblet Prys( Goblet squat with prying) 20 seconds x 6
B3 Bench T spine Extension x 6 20 second holds

This tri set really helped me keep my t spine extended the whole time during the from squat. Keeping the points of the elbows facing the wall. I was really happy with the way it felt.

C1 Ring Rows Bw x 10 25 x 8 x 2 BW x 8
C2 Stability Ball Roll outs 10 , 10 , 8

D1 Glute Ham Raise - 7,7,7 - I did an experiment with putting a couple boxes to lift up the 45% back extension at my gym since we don't have a GHR. It worked alright but the positiong of the pads and my knees made it awkward.
D2 DB Flat Bench
50 x 8
70 x 8 Single Arm
70 x 8 Alternating
80 x 8 Doubles

ESD Airdyne
90/90 x 5 - Killer got My HR up to 199

I got the idea of the Bench T spine extension from JJBonyai seen here:

The entire work out felt great. Most importantly I moved well. I attributed that to the recovery I took in the last few weeks. Active Recovery and Regeneration is a must for any solid program.

Friday, March 25, 2011

KB Chain

I had a fun night last night, so needless to say I wasn't up for a big lift day. So I did some hiking and KB work to goove patterns and burn calories.

Hiked for 30 minutes

Foam rolled
Lots of pec soft tissue work followed by fascial stretching.

KB Arm bars 16kg - did this for about 1 minute on each side. Really focusing on breathing scalpula retraction. 2 sets each side. This is a great exercise to open up the chest especially after sitting at a computer for a while.

Chin ups BW 4 x 5 slow deliberate lat activation
Paired this with
16kg Goblet Squats with 20 seconds of prying. This position is feeling easier every time i do it. Pack the neck

Double KB Chains 24kgs
Squat to press ( thruster)

That's 1 rep. 5x5 with 1 minute between sets. These felt great and have a lot of bang for buck. Gives a chance to be explosive in the cleans and transferring the energy from the squat to press. Also teaches the body how to absorb impact with the clean. "Armor Building" I've heard it called before. Total body.

My Straussberg sock experiment is going slow. I can only wear them for about 3 hours before they distract me to much to sleep. I think it still requires getting use to. This with te soft tissue work I got done on my calves has really opened up my ankle. Ill have dorsi flex measurement for tomorrow.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

HSPU Improvement

Just got done a quick metabolic circuit before class

20 seconds 2H swings 28/kg
20 seconds MB slam 4kg ball rapid response
20 seconds Plank - total body tension
20 seconds burppes
80 seconds rest

Repeat 2 more times = 1 round
Recover 65% HR
1 more round

Felt pretty good HR got up in the mid 180s.
Averaged 14 swings per interval so that puts me at 84 swings for the day
Also add 2 more sets of 8 chin ups to that and 2 more sets of Handstand push ups.

394 swings so far
0 snatches

I almost got my first free Handstand push up, at least the eccentric part and half way through the concentric. Definitely seeing improvement. I'm able to hold one without a wall for about 10 seconds now without having to walk to catch balance.

I need to work on 1 arm pull up/chin ups. Not where I want to be with them yet.

Big lift day tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

When in doubt....swing.

I was feeling good today. I had a lot of school related activites so I was excited to get home and swing some bells. I'm working heavy on goblet squats as a correction for t spine extenstion. I'm hoping this work will rid me of my mid back soreness from front squats. It had been a couple days since I worked out and I could tell my conditioing was behind from where it was a couple weeks ago.

Goblet squat 16kg. 6x 20 second hold and prys.

Get ups 16kg 2/2

Double Swings 24kg 5x10 45 seconds between each set. This kicked my ass more than I thought they would

1 hand 16kg swings 20 on 10 rest x 10 rounds for 2 sets. 2.5 minute recovery between sets. Average about 13 swings per 20 seconds. I was booking it got my HR up in the 190s

Simple quick workout to get my momentum back. Friday I'm going to have a normal lifting day. I plan on playing around with the front squat because its been a couple months since I've done it. Next week Ill start my next cycle with a 8 rep hypertrophy phase.

I'm behind on my weekly goals. I've still got a couple days to reach them before the week is over.

Today put me at
310 swings
1 set of Chin ups
0 snatches
1 set of handstand push ups

Feels good to get back in the rhythm again.

Monday, March 21, 2011


More updates coming soon. I've been busy on spring break. I passed my ACE Personal Trainer Exam. Some more letters to pu in the Resume. Next big thing coming up is the Perform Better Summit in June.

Ill start my cycle either this week or next week when life starts to normalize again. Some new changes to template are coming as well.

Keep Swinging

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Sunday I went and saw a Message therapist for an hour. Great active recovery.

Monday night went to earth trek to hit up the bouldering walls than did some Bottoms up press with 24kg. Also worked on ring muscle ups and handstands on parallettes.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Felt Flat today

I felt pretty flat today .Everything was hard to I kept the volume and intensity low.I had big plans for the day, try to get 3 rep max on sl rdl and cleans. I could tell during warm ups that I wasn't going to get much done today.

Foam Roll
Static Stretch
Movement Prep

Shoulders Elevated Glute Bridge BW x 8 20lb chains x 8 28lb x 8

SL RDL bar x 5 95 x 5
OHP 24kg x 8 x 2 sets

1 Hand Swings 28kg
Sets of 2. 3 sets per side for a total of 120 swings.

Everything was hard today and I felt flat. I noticed my allergies started to kick in an hour after I landed back into Baltimore. You gotta do what your body will give you. Ill come back and hit it again soon.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

What is this life?

If you know me in real life, chances are I've told you to youtube some video that i found introspective. Sometimes I come across speeches or sound bites that really make me think about what life is all about and what is human nature. I think we all get hyper focused in our lives and are unable to see the big picture. We are all made of star dust and the social constructs we are confined in are artificial and meaningless.Our lives are just one frame in an infinitely long movie. Our bodies are filters and we still have control on what we let ourselves be exposed to in culture. I don't have a tv and for the most part I try to have no exposure to pop culture, except for what I choose to access on the internet. Even still I am programed by cultural like everyone else. I find myself following patterns that I haven't even noticed or contemplated. Every day I try to step back and take everything in and realize that things I worry about whether it be training goals, relationships, school work. To borrow a phrase from Joe Rogan, in the end we are all just monkeys, on a rock hurling around a giant nuclear explosion, in space. If you're fortunate enough to be able to see the stars at night in detail, please look up. If you're surrounded by light pollution, get out of there and look up.

Cardio Flush

Did a quick circuit before class today.

25 seconds 2 hand swings 24kg
25 seconds Burpees
25 Seconds MB Slams
25 seconds L sits on parallettes
50 Seconds Rest
x 2 = 1 5 minute round

1:30 Recovery between rounds 3 rounds

Something nice and simple. HR only got in the high 160s.

During this I accumulated 96 swings so that puts me so far for the week

111 swings
115 snatches
6 HSPU Sets
12 Chin Up sets

Ill have to get my swings and snatches in on saturday and Sunday.

I also played an hour of a game my friends and I made up, Adaptaball. We just bounce a 6 sided reaction ball from perform better, back and forth towards each other. The game is very fun and can be tiring if a good volley happens. Lots of reaction and change of direction.

Great recovery day.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Test week day 3

Last two days I foam rolled and stretch for active recovery. I also had some school work to turn in right before spring break starts. I've been looking forward to today since saturday. 

I was on a time table today so I had to cut out a couple assistance exercises. Gets ups with bar bell, shoulders elevated glute bridges, Sl Rdl, for this I wanted to weight till saturday to test this lift, Ill be fresher.

Foam Rolling
Movement prep

Hang Cleans. 95x 5 135x 5 145x 5 - I just wanted to stay in touch with the movement. I will try and find a 3 rep max on Saturday. Ill be at OPTI with Olympic plates and barbells, so I won't have to worry about dropping the plates.

RDL- 145 x 5 225 x 5 315 x 3 405 x 1 425 x 1 455 - miss 445 x 1

a1. HSPU - Against a wall 6 Full range of motion 3 x 3
a2 Suit Case Carries 50 40yard x 2 each side 55 40 yards x 1 each side

Push Up 45lbs 15 12

Ring Chin ups 7 8

RDLs felt real good today. I had wanted to get 450 for the day and excusing 5 pounds I go it. This is a 20 pound increase since I tested back in July. I think for some reason mentally I was intimidated with 455 and it didn't come off the ground. I moved the weight down to 445. This time I decided to not take to long thinking about it at the bar and just go and lift the fucking thing. It was much easier than I thought. I wanted to try 455 today but after seeing the video of 445 I decided to call it. No point int getting an extra 10 pounds if it won't be pretty. I let my shoulder blades protract a little more than I wanted as well as not keeping the best low spine. This is the first time seeing my RDL from the rears like that. So I figured I'm fatigued and it would likely get worse with 455.

HSPU felt great slow and controlled. That was my frist time doing ROM in a long time. I'm really working on not using the wall and lots of lat activation. Coming along nicely.  No ESD today, will do tomorrow.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Foam Roll
Static Stretching Lateral Hamstrings, ASLR, Hip flexors Calfves
Corrective work - single leg hip abduction with emphasis of weight on medial part of foot
Heavy focus on soft tissue work for pecs, armpits and shoulder area

KB Arm bars 16kg 1/1 , 1/1 , 1/1, 1/1, With press 1/1 1/1

 L Chin Up ladder 1 2 3 4 5 6 5 4 3 2 1

16kg 3/3
24kg 3/3 x 2

5 Minute Snatch Test 24kg 100 reps in 4:55 This one really wore me out.

Doubles Complex 24kg
5 snatches
Overhead Walk 10 yards
5 swings
Rack walk 10 yards
5 Front Squats

Recovery HR done for a total of 3 rounds.

I was pretty beat from the snatch test, Ill get more double work in later this week.

So far for the week 15 swings
115 snatches
10 sets of chin ups - ill be doing more
0 HSPU Sets

At the end I tried a little steel bending. This is a great technique that teaches progressive tension. Being able to apply pressure than progressive increase the tension to maximum and maintain it. Its the same concept of having a couple extra gears when dead lifting heavy.Deliberately applying steady consistent force to move the load, as it starts to come up maximal force is applied.  In this case if I went all out I would not be able to bend the rod as effectively. I loaded the steel rod with good tension from both hands across my thigh, than continued to add into maximal tension and slowly bend it. The whole process took about 10-15 seconds. This was my first attempt I want to get better at it.

Test week day 2

Yesterday was a test day for me for several lifts. Its good to have a way to measure your progress.  It seems the last week in my cycles are the hardest to get through. I felt like my quality of sleep has been less than stellar last week or so.  Regardless I still want to have a quantitative way to analyze my progress.

So here was my workout for Friday

Foam Roll
Dynamic Warm up
Correctives One thing I want to work on is being able to place more weight on the balls of my feet natural. I think I am still operating on bad compensatory software from old ankle sprain injuries. I've done all the FMS corrective mobility drills for a while but I still need to stop placing a lot of my weight on the lateral side of the foot.

Get Mills 32Kg 1/6 Get ups 3/3
Anti Rotation Press Level 3 cook band Half kneeling 8/8 x 2. I'm noticed a steady improvement with these. No body lean and packing the neck really helps

BB Hang Snatch Bar x 5 95 x 5 115 x 3 145 x 1 (PR). I've been doing the hang snatch since last agust.  Its a great exercise and one thing I need to fix is landing with my feet to toed out sometimes. I notice if I focus on landing with the weight more on the inside of my feet that doesn't happen nearly as much. But 145 is 10 pounds more than when I tested in late December.

 A1) RFESS - I skipped this today my back was a little worn out from the trap bar dls couple days ago. I'm not sure if I'm ill continue with this exercise or switch back to front squat.

A2 )Pull Up BW x 5 25 x 3 45 x 2 55 x 1 65 x 1 70 x 1 80 x 1 (PR) Really happy with this.  For variety sack and to change it up for my joints I'm going to work on Weight chin ups for a couple weeks.

A3) Dead Bug brace with swiss ball 6/6 , 7/7 , 7/7

B1) SL Squat to parallel - I've been trying to find a way to load this movement. There are no weighted vest at my gym. Imagine a YMCA with simple equipment. Today I tried it using weight on the dipbelt but when I would lower the weight would hit my standing leg so past 10 pounds it became uncomfortable.  Anything over 20 pound dumbbells becomes to much for my arms to raise and I start to compensate.

10lb DBS with blue band 8/8 with dip belt of 10 pounds 5/5 dipbelt 25 pounds 3/3

B2) Ring Row BW x 5 45 x 5 90 x 3 120x 1 (PR) Leading this movement becomes a problem to as stacking 45 pound plates becomes problematic

B3) Ring Ab fall outs 10 8  7

I put conditiong off for the next day

Hiked for an hour for warm up

WindMills 24kg 5/5 x 2

OHP 24kg x 5 /5 28kg x 5/5 32kg x 2/2 36kg 2/2 1/1 2 months ago I only go 1 with the the 36kg

1 Hand swings with 24kg
30 Sec Left
30 Sec Right
30 Rest
30 L
30 R
30 Rest
30 L
30 R
1:00 Rest
30 L
30 R
1:00 Rest
30 L
30 R
1:00 Rest
30 L
30 R
1:00 Rest
30 L
30 R

8 swings per interval x 14 puts me at 256 swings for the day

For my weekly goals 
Swings 618
Snatches 200
Pull up sets 12
HSPU sets  7 - Fell short on those this week. Ill focus more on them in the following. I worked al ot on free standing handstands than push ups this week.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Quick Metabolic circuit.

Decided to do some conditioing to make up for not doing it yesterday
30 sec swings 24kg
30 sec Burppes
30 sec MB Slam
Rest 90 seconds
3 sets = 1 round . 3 Rounds completed

Later today I might do some row conditioning as well as go to Jiu Jitsu tonight.

I have average 18 swings in that time period x 9 that puts me at 162 swings for the week so far.
Big lift day tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Back at it

My rhythm of routine has been off beat with the snow storm over the weekend. This is going to be my test week for some of my lifts. I'm closing out on a cycle and want to have some accurate percentages for my phases for my next cycle. My goal today was to trap bar dead lift 500.  In attempt to stay fresh for this feat I cut my plyometric and rotation power volume in half for the day. I still wanted to work on the movements but not tax my legs.

Here is what I did today
Foam Rolling
Static and Active Isolation stretching
Dynamic warm up and Movement Preperation

Rapid Response Drills, linear, lateral, rotational, and 2 inch run

Broad Jump 6 reps
Lateral Bounds 2 sets of 3 reps per leg
Squat Jump 5 reps

Rotational Row with Level 3 Gray Cook Band 6 reps each side

Medicine Ball Rotational Throws- Rapid Response 6 reps each side with 4kg ball

Trap Bar Deadlift 135 x 5 225 x 5 315 x 3 405 x 1 455 x 1 475 x 1 ( PR!)
For 500 I went 0 for 2 in my attempts. Both attempts I got the weight 5 inches above the ground.

Leg Curl 2 sets of 6 with valslides and 25 pound plate

Chop Half Kneeling static with Gray Cook level 3 band using pads as stick  2 sets of 8 per side

Lift Half Kneeling static with Gray Cook level 3 band using pads as stick 2 sets of 8 per side

Normally I would pair my trap bar with the  chop and the leg curl with the lift, but the gym was crowded and I wanted to put all my focus on the trap bar lifts for the day.

I was a little disappointed today because I had been hoping to pull 500 today. I should be happy that I achieved a 475 trap bar dead lift. I started using the lift back in November. Today was the first day I decided to max out on it. I have become attached to the outcome of 500. In Buddhist teachings attachment leads to suffering. I'm not a Buddhist but I'm also not against cherry picking good advice. 475 is a good number, its 2.56 times my current body weight of 185.

I also was able to see my technique from the front for the first time. I had gotten use to facing parallel with the mirror so i could check my posture through a side profile. The video showed me today that my legs have a slight valgus with the weight. I'm not sure if its just cause the weight is near my maximum or if I do that in weights with 5 and 8 reps. However now that I'm aware of it, it will be corrected.  Always stuff to correct!

First time I've uploaded some exercise videos on you tube. Here is my 455 and 475 lift. As well as my second attempt at 500. I'm pretty damn close to it. If i can fix the valgus and have a good cycle I know ill get it in a few months.

Also I had aquired 6 sets of 10 second holds on the handstand trying not to use the wall.
2 sets of 5 pull up- slow and controlled. This goes toward my weekly goal.