Thursday, April 7, 2011

speed bump

Wednesday I was feeling pretty tired from jitsu the night before. So i put my work out off till today.

I did Foam rolling, some bottoms up drills, get up activation drills, wind mills and goblet squats no particular order.

Today I felt great and I was going to make some changes to my template. Namely switch in RDLS in and move leg curls to my other day.

Foam Rolling
Movement Prep

Rapid Response drills

Broad Jumps 2 x 6 - my distance for these was great. Really felt connected in the speed of hip extension and attacking the ground.

Lat Bounds 1 x 6

On my last rep of Lat bounds the plastic ring I was jumping to slipped when I landed on it. The floor itself was very smooth along with the light plastic ring there was not much friction. I slipped as I was landing and fell awkward on my other ankle. It immediately hurt and the side of it is pretty tight and inflamed. So that was it for the day.

Now I'm Iceing and taking a lot of different stuff to help with the inflammation:
Lots of fish oil
Drinking Green Tea

A lot of this stuff I take daily just for a while it is going to be in bigger amounts. Along with adequate rest and macro nutrient intake I should be good to go around a week. Just going to take it day by day. I have to make sure that when the acute injury is gone and hte ligaments feel healed to start doing stretching and getting back the ROM.

Lesson learned I need to find a way to secure the rings or just not use them. Just bad luck and another reason why risk vs reward should be considered. I didn't think about those rings slipping. Overall I'm trying to stay positive. This could of been a lot worse so Ill take a couple days off with some active recovery and than start soft tissue work.

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