Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Back at it again

I spent all day Monday traveling, to get back home to Arizona. sitting for 5 hours on a plan plus another 2 hour shuttle really sucks. Your body and posture just don't feel good. I did some nice stretching that night and trained yesterday with kettle bells.

I was in Maryland for about 9 weeks at sea level. Now back in northern AZ, I'm at about 5100 feet. I have to get use to the altitude again. Decided to get a bunch of EDT(Escalating Density Training) in just to change things up. Going for time instead of a fixed number of sets

Foam Roll
Tissue work on psoas and hip flxrs
Stretch - hip flxr , bretzel, hamstring
Prep - clams, hip abductions, miniband in/outs

As many rounds in 10 mins- not really rushing, this was still part of my prep - 3 rounds
A1.Get ups 16kg 2/2
A2. Ab Wheel x 5

As many rounds in 20 mins 9 rounds
Double 24kg Clean and Front squat x 5
Double 24kg KB Row x 5

This one was really tiring, I could definitely see myself getting tired a lot faster from the higher altitude. Took a 3 hour break after this to get some school work done

16kg v02 max snatch protocol 15/15 5 reps - 25 mins - Just wanted light load to work on snatch skills. HR hovered around 165-172. I find if I can get cardio is the body adapts faster to the altitude.

Also been doing about 40 body weight pulls ups spread out through out the days I've. I got a great mental image from Charles Staley's Website about better lat activation in the pull up.

A better cue, which helps to recruit the bigger, more powerful lats, is to think about driving your elbows down to your ribcage. Not only does this cue encourage lat contraction, it’s also less daunting to imagine driving your elbows down, than it is to imagine pulling yourself up.

It is such a minuet detail, but I swear it helps make a difference. Especially if you aren't getting as much lat activation as you should be during pull ups.

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