Tuesday, September 20, 2011

New t spine mobility drill

I've been really busy and behind lat on updates. Ill have a training up date later this week. The good news is I have a new phone with better video quality. As such Ill be making more how to videos and uploading a lot more content. I have a new one for you today

Below is a simple t spine mobility drill. It is like a standard t spine extension with the foam roller. Howeve now you're reaching over head and grabbing a kettle bell. This is a greaqt primer for over head pressing. The key point of this drill is to make sure the rip cage stays down and the bottom ribs do not flare out. If that happens we are getting more lumbar extension than thoracic extension. You will see in the video I check my rips to make sure of this.

Another key point is to make sure that our pillar is intact. Meaning there is a straight line from the hiips to the top of your head. The neck should be in alingment with the rest of the spine. Breath into the stretch and try to shoot for 2 minutes. Moving up and down mid to uppper back, looking for releases.Push into the foam roller and try to bend through the part of the pine that is on top of it.

To add a little more juice try and pick up the kettlebell. Don't actually lift it, but firing the lats and than releasing will give you a PnF type of stretch, making it more effective. I suggest using a heavy kettlebell , one that you know you won't be able to lift.

Test your t spine extension before then rest after doing this to see if it makes a change As always feed back is appreciated.

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