Friday, February 25, 2011

Good RDL Day

I felt Good today in training. I really wanted to pull over 405 today in the RDL. Last time I maxed out on it was 425 for 1 back in early July.

Foam Roll, Static Stretch, Movement Prep,
Correctives: Lower body rolls, Going over with Right and and Coming back with Left Leg were behind

Get Ups with WindMill at the top with 45LB barbell
45 x 1 Get up 4 WindMills Each Side 65 x 1/5 Each side
Pair with Shoulders Elevated Glute Bridges x 2 sets of 10

Hang Cleans Barbell x 5 95 x 5 135 x 5 145 x 2 sets of 5 Felt easy, good pop still easing into cleans again with Elbow

 Tri Sets
RDL 135 x 5 225 x 5 315 x 3 365 x 2 405 x 3 425 x 2
Hand Stand Push Ups against wall 4x5. Worked good form and tried to not touch wall if I could
Side Plank Bends 2x10 each side

SL RDL - tried with barbell and 135 and realized my hamstrings were worked from RDLs, Ill do tomorrow
Push Ups BW x 8 115 2x3
Farmers Carry 50LB DB 2 rounds of 50 feet walks with each hand

Energy System Development for BJJ
20 seconds work  10 seconds rest x 10 rounds metabolic circuit.
Agil Ladder
Medicine Ball Slams
Med Ball Chest Pass
Repeat to make 5 minute round.  Did this for 3 rounds with

KB work tomorrow.

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