I put up four videos today. The first two are from over the summer, in late July. I was at 178lb body weight. The second two I took on Friday where I currently am 192-95.
Training has been going well last couple of week.s Pretty much the same template I have been using for a while. However the last week and for the next two weeks I am only doing 2 strength sessions a week, just a couple sets ot maintain strength in 4 lifts; front squat, pull ups, conventional dead lifts and over head press. Meanwhile I will be doing 30 minute cardio sessions 4 times a week. During these cardio sessions I am keeping HR around 140-150. This is an effort to boost my cardiac output and improve my aerobic base. I notice that I have a pretty high resting heart rate in the morning around 68. I think I am over sympathetic dominant from hard training all the time. I am doing a three week trial to see if the resting heart rate can go down. If this works i am hoping ot recover from workouts better, and have better overall tissue quality.
I think it is important sometimes to step back and go about training from a different route. Patrick Ward of Optimum Sport Performance helped me realize this when I met him at HKC last weekend. This may be just what I need to progress my strength and training further. Plus I think it will overall help me become a healthier human being. I am writing down my resting heart rates in the morning. when this experiment is done I will have a great write up for you guys. It may not work at all, but definitely worth a try.
Until than keep training.